
Pursuant to section 353 of the Building Act 2004, the Minister for Building and Construction makes the following rules. These are the Licensed Building Practitioner Rules 2007.

The Rules are set out as follows:

  • The general section details the title, commencement date, and interpretation of specific words used in the Rules.
  • Part 1 describes the minimum standard of competence required for each licence class by reference to the competencies set out in Schedule 1 to the Rules. Part 1 also details the licensing application and assessment process and sets out the information that must be provided with an application.
  • Part 2 details the process of annual contact by the Registrar. Annual contact allows the Registrar to confirm that practitioners wish to continue to be licensed, to update the Register of Licensed Building Practitioners, and to collect levies and fees.
  • Part 3 establishes processes for the ongoing assessment of practitioners' current competence, including describing the minimum standard for continued licensing, and providing for skills maintenance programmes.
  • Part 4 details procedures suspending and cancellation of licensing.
  • Part 5 details requirements about licence identification cards.
  • Part 6 covers miscellaneous matters, including notice requirements.
  • Schedule 1 sets out the competencies that make up the minimum standard for each licence class, and the performance indicators that the Registrar will have regard to when determining whether a competency has been met. These currently cover the licence classes of:
    • Design
    • External Plastering
    • Site
    • Bricklaying and Blocklaying
    • Carpentry
    • Foundations
    • Roofing

Competencies for other trade and specialist licence classes may be added in due course.

  • Schedule 2 lists recognised qualifications for licensing in particular licensing classes.

These Rules incorporate the following amendments:

  • Licensed Building Practitioner Amendment Rules 2016 – commenced 10 November 2016 with the exception of External Plastering changes which will commence on 23 March 2017
  • Licensed Building Practitioner Amendment Rules 2014 – commenced 1 July 2014
  • Licensed Building Practitioner Amendment Rules 2013 – commenced 1 July 2013
  • Licensed Building Practitioner Amendment Rules (No 2) 2010 – commenced 1 October 2010
  • Licensed Building Practitioner Amendment Rules 2010 – commenced 1 April 2010
  • Licensed Building Practitioner Amendment Rules 2009 – commenced 15 February 2010
  • Licensed Building Practitioner Amendment Rules 2008 – commenced 1 November 2008