Part 2 – Annual contact by Registrar with licensed building practitioners

14 Registrar must contact Licensed Building Practitioner annually

  1. The Registrar must contact each Licensed Building Practitioner annually, in accordance with section 303 of the Act, by sending a notice in writing to the Licensed Building Practitioner at least 30 working days before the expiry of the Licensed Building Practitioner's licence identification card.
  2. The notice must—
    1. ask the Licensed Building Practitioner whether he or she wishes to continue to be licensed for the class or classes of licences held by him or her; and
    2. ask the Licensed Building Practitioner whether the information shown on the Register in respect of him or her is correct; and
    3. request the Licensed Building Practitioner to pay the prescribed levy and any relevant prescribed fees; and
    4. inform the Licensed Building Practitioner of—
      1. the time period by which the information and payments must be received by the Registrar; and
      2. the consequences of not providing the information and payments; and
      3. the late charge payable for late replies.

15 Licensed Building Practitioner must reply

A Licensed Building Practitioner must reply to a notice under rule 14 within 20 working days of notification by—

  1. providing the required information; and
  2. paying the prescribed levy and prescribed fees payable in respect of the class or classes of licence held.

16 Issue of new licence identification card

  1. The Registrar must as soon as practicable after receipt of the relevant information and payments under rule 15 issue a new licence identification card to the Licensed Building Practitioner.
  2. A Licensed Building Practitioner's current licence identification card continues in force until the new licence identification card is issued, if the requirements under rule 15 have been met but a new licence identification card has not yet been issued.

17 Failure to reply

  1. The Registrar must, in writing, contact a Licensed Building Practitioner who fails to comply with the requirements referred to in rule 15, and notify him or her that—
    1. he or she must comply with the requirements and pay the late charge; and
    2. that unless he or she complies with the requirements, and pays the late charge—
      1. his or her licence will automatically be suspended 20 working days after the date of the notice; and
      2. unless he or she complies with the requirements within 12 months from the date of notice, his or her licence will be cancelled.
  2. If the requirements under rule 15 have not been complied with within 20 days after the date of the notice under subclause (1), the Registrar must suspend the Licensed Building Practitioner's licence (and comply with rule 31(1)(a ) to (c)) and record the suspension in the register.
  3. If the requirements under rule 15 have not been complied with within 12 months from the date of the notice under subclause (1), the Registrar must cancel the licence in accordance with rule 30 and remove the person's name from the register.
  4. The Registrar must only cancel a licence in accordance with Part 4.

18 Revival of a licence suspended for failure to reply

  1. A person whose licence is suspended under rule 17(2) may have the licence that has been suspended revived within 12 months of the date of notice under rule 17(1) by—
    1. complying with the requirements under rule 15; and
    2. paying the late charge.
  2. The Registrar must revive the person's licence upon the person complying with the requirements under subclause (1) and issue him or her with a new licence identification card.
  3. A revival under this rule is effective from the date of issue of the new licence identification card from the Registrar.
  4. A new licence identification card issued under this rule must have the expiry date that would have applied had the person complied with rule 15.