Complaint C2-01068 - substantive
- Complaint number: C2-01068
- Region: Omitted
- Licence class: Carpentry
- Decision date: 31 August 2015
- Disciplinary grounds: 317(1) b Negligent or incompetent work 317(1) d Work not compliant with building consent
- Summary: 317(1)(b) Negligent or incompetent work – 317(1)(d) Work not compliant with building consent – building consent required for: a fabricated plywood box beam – installation of new external wall framing –installation of roof struts – installation of cavity sliding door lintels, over spanned – Submission that the respondent should not face two charges essentially arising from the same set of facts – Board accepts that the Duplicity rule applies in the criminal context but in regards to a disciplinary context the rule is not to be applied strictly – purpose of disciplinary context is to uphold the integrity of a profession and protect the public - R v Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales [2011] UKSC 1 - 317(1)(b) upheld – 317(1)(d) upheld.