Complaint C2-01244 - penalty
- Complaint number: C2-01244
- LBP number: BP109572
- Region: Wellington
- Licence class: Carpentry
- Decision date: 10 June 2016
- Penalty: 318(1)a Cancel licence 318(4) Pay costs 318(5) Public notification of the Board's action
- Disciplinary grounds: 317(1) a Fitness to carry out or supervise building work
317(1)(a) convicted and imprisoned for 6 months or more/ reflects adversely on persons fitness
317(1)(a) Upheld
Licence cancelled under 318(1)(a)(i) and order that he may not relicense before the specified period of 3 years under 318(1)(a)(ii), Costs of $2,500 under Publication of Name under 318(4) of the Act, Publication of name under 318(5) of the Act