Complaint C2-01247 – penalty
- Complaint number: C2-01247
- Region: Southland
- Licence class: Carpentry
- Decision date: 1 April 2016
- Penalty: 318(1)f Pay fine 318(4) Pay costs
- Disciplinary grounds: 317(1) b Negligent or incompetent work 317(1) d Work not compliant with building consent 317(1) da Failed to supply certificate / record of work - not upheld
- Summary: 317(1)(b) negligence or incompetence, 317(1)(d) contrary to a building consent and 317(1)(da)(ii) failure to provide a record of work – 317(1)(b) upheld, carried out building work, negligence in failing to check set out issues, 317(1)(d) upheld set out contrary to building consent, 317(1)(da)(ii) not upheld, did carry out restricted building work – fined $1,500 under 318(1)(f), costs $1,000 under 318(4).