Consultation: have your say on MBIE’s fees review for licensed building practitioners

The consultation period has now closed and submissions are now being analysed.

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is reviewing the fees and levy for the Licensed Building Practitioners (LBP) scheme and would like to hear from licensed building practitioners. 

The fees and levy have not been changed since the scheme was introduced in 2007 and as the LBP scheme has continued to develop, costs of running the scheme have increased.

For example, there has been increased demand for the scheme’s services such as guidance documents to ensure LBPs keep up-to-date with new technical and legal requirements; ongoing quality improvement; and demands on the Building Practitioners Board as they address the increased volume and complexity of complaints.

To ensure the scheme is able to run effectively and efficiently for years to come, MBIE proposes fees increases in a small number of categories.

The proposed fees changes relate to licence application and licence renewals. Assessment fees would remain unchanged, and are based on the class of the licence. It is also proposed that the administration fee is removed and a new annual charge payable at the time of licence renewal is proposed and will comprise a licence renewal fee and a levy.

The changes are outlined below:

 Current feeProposed fee
Initial licence application fee $71.11 $217.39
Administration fee $151.11 n/a
Total application fee $222.22
plus relevant assessment fee
plus relevant assessment fee
Licence renewal Fee $151.11
(Administration fee)
Scheme levy $22.22
(Board levy)
Total annual charge $173.33 $207.83
Reissue documentation (identification card) $26.67 $43.48
Voluntary suspension $44.44 $43.48

*Figures are exclusive of GST