Have your say on insulation requirements

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is seeking feedback on changing the Building Code H1 Energy Efficiency requirements for insulation in homes and other buildings to help building designers and to reduce costs and maintain energy efficiency.

Having now been in place for 12 months, we want to make sure the H1 Energy Efficiency requirements are working well.

There are several proposed improvements including:

  • adjusting methods of compliance to reduce upfront costs of buildings and improve cost effectiveness.
  • options to better balance upfront cost design decisions with long term cost benefits
  • checking whether removing the prescriptive Schedule Method would increase design flexibility.
  • relaxing the requirements in the Calculation and Modelling methods that would increase design flexibility and better enable buildings to be optimised.
  • looking at whether building framing ratios need to be adapted to better meet insulation specifications.

MBIE also wants to understand the needs of the building design sector to improve the management of internal moisture and overheating risks in buildings.

Submissions are open and will close 5pm on Friday 28 February 2025. Have your say:

Insulation requirements in housing and other buildings (external link)- Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE)