Skills maintenance

As an LBP, you need to keep up to date with changing industry practices and regulatory changes. This is done by completing and recording skills maintenance activities — learning activities that help make sure you continue to meet the minimum standard required to keep your licence or licences.

All LBPs must complete a set of skills maintenance activities every two years. You need to show that you’ve done these before you can renew your licence(s).

Skills maintenance combines both compulsory and elective activities. You get the important regulatory and technical information you need through completing compulsory activities. You also need to complete elective activities that are relevant to the work you do.

Activities by licence class

Licence class(es) heldElective activitiesOn the job learningMandatory articles & quizzes
Carpentry, Foundations, Roofing, External Plastering, Bricklaying and Blocklaying 12 hours 2 activities in total All the specified articles and quizzes for the licence class(es) you hold
Site or Design in Area of Practice 1 15 hours 2 activities in total All the specified articles and quizzes for the licence class(es) you hold
Site or Design in Area of Practice 2 or 3 18 hours 2 activities in total All the specified articles and quizzes for the licence class(es) you hold


If you hold more than one LBP licence and the number of hours required is different for each, you have to complete the higher number of hours.

For example, you might hold a carpentry licence and a site area of practice 2 licence. You need to do 12 hours for the carpentry licence, and 18 hours for the site area licence. This means that you have to do a total of 18 hours of activities to meet your skills maintenance requirement.

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